
Coders HQ main tool would be the ranking system. This will rank coders in the website in terms of their activities and achievements in and out of CHQ. This is a highly anticipated tool.

It is recommended that the scoring mechanism includes the following : (Pluralsight ranking, Codechef ranking, Hacker rank ranking) : it will be awesome, if we can pull information from these websites to build a more contextual ranking system.

It will be awesome also to find a mechanism to add all certificated gained from educational websites + coders HQ and transform them to points + make the certificates visual. This can be done through the following:

  1. Create 3 different categories, and assign a number of points for every category, for example category 1 : Short seminars from CHQ, Category 2 : Nano-degrees (Coursera + Udemy + edx) + corporations degrees (Microsoft + Oracle + AWS etc.), Category 3 longer degrees (6-18+ months types of degrees)
  2. Create a mechanism where individuals can submit their certificates, and assign a number of points for every certificate.
  3. Each point in the coders HQ is equal to 1 Peacock coin/token